Speaker: Cathy Henderson Director Waverley Life




Relevant extract of Council resolution, 17 February 2015

Council resolved to:

  • Note the purpose statement, actions and directions for Bondi Pavilion approved in the 2014 Bondi Park, Beach and Pavilion Plan of Management, with the Bondi Pavilion purpose statement reading as follows:

"Located in a unique setting, Bondi Pavilion overlooks spectacular Bondi Beach 
and is a much loved, heritage building. It has an important purpose:

-       As a landmark building, contributing to the unique heritage character of Bondi;

-       As the centre of community life, accommodating a vibrant mix of cultural, community and commercial uses; and

-       Providing a grand entrance from the street to Bondi beach.

This purpose should be achieved by making sure the Pavilion is sensitively 
looked after and well used. As the centrepiece it should be:

-       Attractive and inviting with welcoming entrances front and rear, good internal signage and tourism information that is accessible.

-       A lively, active hub with beautiful courtyards for shade and shelter, spaces for performances, a well designed and engaging foyer with activities  throughout that entertain.

-       Delivering a vibrant cultural and community life including interesting theatre, cultural happenings, great cafes and appropriately located 

-       Well maintained, clean and functional with improved spaces for hire and good amenities to service people visiting the building, Park or Beach.

-       Environmentally efficient, as much as possible.

-       Financially sustainable so that it can meet community expectations, providing a good balance of community and commercial activities."

  • Note the recommendations of the Bondi Pavilion Commercial Review , commissioned as required by the Plan of Management, to examine ways to increase commercial income at Bondi Pavilion
  • Approve the preparation of a detailed consultant brief to prepare concept designs and detailed design documentation which:

(i)      meets the purpose and directions set out in the Bondi Park, Beach and 
Pavilion Plan of Management 2014;

(ii)    addresses the Conservation Management Plan currently in preparation; and

(iii)   includes the following:

a)    Reinforcing  Bondi Pavilion's status as a landmark building, contributing to the unique heritage of Bondi, through:

A.1 Investigating opportunities for celebrating and interpreting the heritage of Bondi Pavilion and Bondi Beach, for example through exhibition space;

A.2 Conserving significant heritage fabric and character, including investigating the restoration of the symmetry the heritage beach frontage of Bondi Pavilion through removal of the modern external addition to Shop 1;

A.3 Inclusion of Environmental Sustainable Design features to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, decrease mains water demand, maximise the proportion of waste recycled and improve waste management;

b)    Ensuring Bondi Pavilion, as the centre of community life, has a vibrant mix of cultural, community and commercial uses through:

B.1 Transforming the internal courtyards, including investigating opportunities for an all weather events space (preferably with retractable or removable roof/shade covering) and a native garden and/or interactive art installation, and investigating the restoration of the rear full length covered veranda in the northern courtyard;

B.2 Inclusion of an art gallery, exhibition space or other cultural attractor/s on the ground floor;

B.3 Potential increase in arts and community space on the ground floor, including the potential conversion of one or both music studios to flexible rehearsal, performance and community use;

B.4 Improved theatre and back of house theatre facilities, of seating capacity of at least 110;

B.5 Inclusion of a staffed tourism information point;

B.6 Increasing the number of toilets available, with public access to ground floor toilets preferably from the sides of the Pavilion;

B.7 Increased number of commercial tenancies, for example through relocation and reduction in size of staff offices;

B.8 Increases commercial usage in appropriate places, with the increased commercial revenue to fund appropriate maintenance, upkeep and activities within Bondi Pavilion;

B.9 Investigating creative and innovative approaches to improving views from the first floor where possible (subject to heritage approvals);

B.10 Improved meeting room and conference facilities, supported by a kitchen and bar;

c)    Providing a grand entrance from the street to Bondi beach through:

C.1 Restoring the entrance facing Campbell Parade as a pedestrian throughway, with enhanced view lines and connection through the building

C.2 Improving the connectivity and permeability of the building, opening up view lines where possible through the building;

  • Authorise the commencement of an open, advertised expression of interest and selective tender process for the consultant [architect] on the basis of the above brief, and delegate to the General Manager the power to approve the list invited for select tender;

  • Note that later in 2015 Council will receive and consider a report recommending the awarding of the consultant's tender;

  • Note that after the consultants are appointed, a concept design will be presented for consideration by Council and for community consultation, after which a development application will be prepared;
  • Agree that all commercial space will be the subject of a public tender process at a future date, once detailed design has progressed. 


CM/7.4/15.12 Bondi Pavilion Upgrade & Conservation Project Concept Design (A15/0272)

MOTION / UNANIMOUS DECISION Mover: Cr Betts Seconder: Cr Clayton

That Council:

1. Approves the concept design for the Bondi Pavilion Upgrade & Conservation Project for the purposes of community consultation.

2. Notes that community consultation will close 28 February 2016, with a report on consultation outcomes to come to Council in March 2016.

3. In the consultation process with the La Perouse Local Aboriginal Land Council and the Eastern Region Local Government Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Forum, include a discussion of recognizing prior and continuing Aboriginal connection to country in the Bondi Pavilion design, such as Aboriginal elements in the courtyard water feature, native gardens and courtyard designs which allow the capacity to undertake traditional underground cooking.

This is page 7 of the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 15 December 2015 

Music Programs

Music rehearsal and performance facilities will be well catered for in the new Pavilion, particularly utilising the two smaller community rooms, the Theatre Foyer Room, and the Theatre. Other rooms may work for these purposes too. Music programs such as Seniors Choir, Seniors Concerts, Carols by the Sea and Bondi Wave and Primary School Rock Stars are expected to continue at Bondi Pavilion.

The project plans include facilities for music and music programs, but does not currently include single purpose dedicated music studios. Some recording could take place but it would not have full technical facilities. Council could decide to amend the plans to include a purpose built recording studio in the plans for Bondi Pavilion. Alternatively Council could choose to build an up to date recording studio elsewhere in Waverley where parking, access and storage would be less problematic. 

For more information about the project, please email [email protected]