Stand up for Wellington Street

Stand up for Wellington Street

image of Stand up for Wellington Street

After a 7 year battle, the 70+ year old Wellington St Tennis Courts may soon have a monster-sized place of worship, a function centre and 32 more apartments added to our overcrowded neighbourhood.

After a shock rezone from the NSW Planning department the developers are looking to ride roughshod over the concerns of the Land and Evironment Court and the community.

All is not lost but now is the time to get your submissions in if you feel strongly about the issue. Every email counts so get them in now!

In what can only be described as an act of ...

After a 7 year battle, the 70+ year old Wellington St Tennis Courts may soon have a monster-sized place of worship, a function centre and 32 more apartments added to our overcrowded neighbourhood.

After a shock rezone from the NSW Planning department the developers are looking to ride roughshod over the concerns of the Land and Evironment Court and the community.

All is not lost but now is the time to get your submissions in if you feel strongly about the issue. Every email counts so get them in now!

In what can only be described as an act of immense arrogance and disregard for both the Court's decision and the welfare of the families of the area the applicants (FREE and associates) have submitted the exact same DA MINUS the security report upon which the original decision was based!!!

We call on Council's planners to reject this DA application and restore some faith in our planning system for all residents of Waverely.



Add your voice to the DA review process

Let Council planners know how you feel about the plans to fortify 105 Wellington Street and build 32 apartments without adequate parking, trafic flow or appropriate design.

Visit Council DA tracker to review the DA

Where do you live?

Compose your email

Email Tips +

Focus on planning issues rather than the injustice of the rezone.

Use your own words but our top tips are:

1) The previouly stated security threat has not been addressed yet it is exactly the same development. 

2) The design is not in keeping with the surrounding streetscape

3) Parking and traffic are not properly addressed

4) Impacts of a 200+ person function center have not been adequately addressed

5) 24/7 security survelliance and armed guards are not welcome in Wellington street.