Stand up for Wellington Street

Stand up for Wellington Street

image of Stand up for Wellington Street

After a 7 year battle, the 70+ year old Wellington St Tennis Courts may soon have a monster-sized place of worship, a function centre and 32 more apartments added to our overcrowded neighbourhood.

After a shock rezone from the NSW Planning department the developers are looking to ride roughshod over the concerns of the Land and Evironment Court and the community.

All is not lost but now is the time to get your submissions in if you feel strongly about the issue. Every email counts so get them in now!

In what can only be described as an act of ...

After a 7 year battle, the 70+ year old Wellington St Tennis Courts may soon have a monster-sized place of worship, a function centre and 32 more apartments added to our overcrowded neighbourhood.

After a shock rezone from the NSW Planning department the developers are looking to ride roughshod over the concerns of the Land and Evironment Court and the community.

All is not lost but now is the time to get your submissions in if you feel strongly about the issue. Every email counts so get them in now!

In what can only be described as an act of immense arrogance and disregard for both the Court's decision and the welfare of the families of the area the applicants (FREE and associates) have submitted the exact same DA MINUS the security report upon which the original decision was based!!!

We call on Council's planners to reject this DA application and restore some faith in our planning system for all residents of Waverely.



Call on Minister Stokes to REVERSE THE REZONE!

It's critical we show the Planning Minister at our meeting how wrong this decision is. The Minister has the ability to overturn the decision but we must make it clear how much the community does not want this loss of open space.

Call Rob Stokes office

Rob Stokes office Rob Stokes office NSW Minister for Planning (02) 8574 6707

You are extremely unlikely to get to speak to Rob Stokes however his staff will note your questions and are obliged to relay the nature of the calls and if you request it to respond to your concerns.

Key Questions/Talking Points

  • Waverley Council recommended you reject the rezone (for the 4th time), the local MP recommended you reject the rezone, the community has written sent over 1,800 objections to the rezone –WHY then did the planning department approve ...

You are extremely unlikely to get to speak to Rob Stokes however his staff will note your questions and are obliged to relay the nature of the calls and if you request it to respond to your concerns.

Key Questions/Talking Points

  • Waverley Council recommended you reject the rezone (for the 4th time), the local MP recommended you reject the rezone, the community has written sent over 1,800 objections to the rezone –WHY then did the planning department approve the rezone?
  • The only justification given for the loss of recreational space in exchange for medium density residential is that the zoning is now “consistent with the surrounding zoning”. When can recreational zoning ever be “consistent with the surrounding zoning”?   Access to recreational land amongst high density residential land is exactly what we need. THAT is good planning. 
  • Waverley Council can easily meet its housing quota without the need to rezone any land.  In fact, this was given as a reason by the very same NSW Planning Dept for not rezoning the Bronte RSL.  WHY does this not apply to Bondi? Further, there are 205 new apartments being built 600m from the site.
  • Independent studies by Council and the developers have confirmed that Waverley Council area suffers from inadequate provision of recreational space, and tennis courts in particular.  It is the most densely populated Council area in the country and has one of the lowest ratios of open space to people.  HOW does rezoning it for more apartments make any sense?
  • Why did his Planning Department approve an extremely contentious rezone that used the same Spot Rezoning process the Minister himself has criticised and called for to be reviewed? 
  • Waverley Council was in discussions with the NSW Planning Dept about its intention to acquire the land so that they could apply to rezone it as Public Recreational space. The Planning Dept, by rezoning the land, has just handed the developers a massive profit by exponentially increasing the land value, making acquisition for the benefit of the whole community impossible.

Make your call count, tell us how it went